Installation ~ Installation
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Device types
Device IDs are automatically assigned a device type. AP800s are always device
type “1” (AP400 device types are “3”, AP10 device types are “2.”). The device
ID # selected is added to the device type “3” to generate the unique address for
that unit. For example, the first AP800 unit in your G-Link network would be
identified as “10”, “3” being the Device Type, and “0” being the Device ID.
Mixer Mode
Once your physical G-Link network is established and unique G-Link device ID
numbers for each unit on the network are set, the mixer mode must be set. There are
four mixer-mode settings (see Figure 2.5): master-single (default), master-linked,
slave, and dual mixer.
• Master-single must be used when only one AP800 is used in a system;
however, only one AP800 can be designated as master-linked when multiple
AP800s are used in a system.
• Master-linked denotes the master AP800 unit when more than one unit is on
the network.
• Slave is used for all networked units that are not designated as master-
linked, master-single, or dual mixer. If there are two units networked, one
must be set with the master-linked parameter, the other must be set with the
slave parameter.
• Dual mixer is used when a single AP800 is used as two distinct mic mixers.
A system is defined as one or more units that communicate to perform mixing
functions. A system can consist of one unit in master-single or dual mixer mode, or
several units that work together with one master-linked unit and multiple slave
units. Systems can be G-Linked together for easy reconfiguration. The physical
location on the G-Link network determines which system individual units belong
to. In Figure 2.5, for example, AP800 Device 4 has been designated as master-
linked. The units located below this unit on the G-Link network constitute System
3, while units above it belong to different systems. The entire network could be
easily reconfigured into one system by changing the mixer mode on Devices 3 and
4 to slave units which would then refer to the only master-linked unit on the
system: AP800 Device 0.
When using the dual mixer parameter, a single AP800 unit can be used as
two distinct mic mixers, allotting Mics 1–4 and Outputs 1–4/A–B to one mixer,
and Mics 5–8 and Outputs 5–8/C–D to the second mixer.