3. When armed, the LED will blink slowly. While siren is going off, the LED will indicate the cause of the trigger.
To use the remote-start function on a manual transmission vehicle, you must first set Reservation Mode. Reservation mode sets the vehicle up
to safely start the next time you use the remote-start. To set Reservation Mode, follow these steps:
1. Completely stop the vehicle and put it in NEUTRAL.
2. Set the emergency brake and remove your foot from the foot brake.
3. A few seconds later you should hear a “click”.
4. Turn the key off and remove it from the ignition. The vehicle will stay running.
5. Exit the vehicle and close the door.
6. The vehicle will shut off, the system will arm, and the doors will lock.
Reservation Mode has now been set. The following actions will cancel Reservation Mode; opening the hood, doors, or trunk, turning on the
ignition, releasing the emergency brake, or triggering the alarm. If reservation mode is cancelled, you will need to get in the vehicle and repeat
the setup process.
A. RPS – Remote Paging System – Optional on Alarm and Alarm/Starter systems
The RPS is an optional paging sensor mounted on your windshield. It is used to page the owner of a vehicle by tapping once. There is also an
LED on the RPS sensor that will blink when you arm your system.
B. Passive Mode
This setting monitors the system and automatically relocks/rearms your CompuStar once you open and close all the doors to your vehicle. You
have the option of the doors locking or not locking so you do not lock your keys in the vehicle. Please see your CompuStar dealer for details.
C. Remote Start Runtime
The runtime must be set by your CompuStar dealer. You have the option of having your vehicle run for 15 minutes or 25 minutes or (25 or 45
minutes Diesel Motor Only). Your vehicle will run for the set time. The icons will flash on your remote to show runtime. As the runtime
decreases the icons will shut off one at a time showing a quarter of the runtime.
D. Dome Light Supervision
Additional installation may be required for this feature. With this feature on you have dome light illumination for 30 seconds. The dome light
will only come on upon disarm of your CompuStar.
E. Starter Kill
Additional installation may be required for this feature. This feature disables the vehicle when the CompuStar is armed and alarm triggered.
When starter kill is enabled you are unable to start the vehicle with the key.
F. Anti-Grind
Additional installation may be required for this feature. When you remote start your vehicle and disarm and enter you must put the vehicle’s
key in the ignition and turn it forward. When you turn the key forward there is a chance of overturning the starter. With anti-grind installed, you
cannot over grind your starter on your vehicle.
G. Anti-Jacking
Additional installation may be required for this feature. This feature prevents a thief from stealing your car once they drive off. In the event that
you are car jacked and have your CompuStar remote in hand you just panic the system. After 30 seconds of panic your vehicle will shut off and
the thief will not be able to restart.
H. Dual Stage Shock Sensor (Only Available on Alarm and Alarm/Starter Systems)
When your alarm is armed this sensor will register light and heavy impact to your vehicle. When light impact is detected, your siren will chirp
four times as a warn away alert. When heavy impact is detected, your siren will sound for 30 or 60 seconds depending on setting by your
installer. Please allow at least 30 seconds after arming your system for the shock sensor to fully activate.
I. Factory Alarm Option (Only Available on Starter Only Systems)
Priority Situation LED On Duty
2 flash, rest, then repeat
2 2
Shock Triggered 3 flash, rest, then repeat
3 2
Auxiliary Triggered 4 flash, rest, then repeat
4 Panic 5 flash , rest, then repeat