The package which is needed to work with the (Wireless) Internet Camera is called
8.4.2. Add the Code to your Website
The following code needs to be added to the website which will show the
(Wireless) Internet Camera:
The above code is an example, and needs to be adjusted for your configuration.
To adjust the code, you need to change the red-bold code:
CAMIPADDRESS This is the Internet Address where the (Wireless) IP Camera
is connected to. This can be a website (for example:
) or your IP Address from your internet
connection (for example:
CAMPORT This is the port you configured in step 8.2.5. (This value
needs to be entered TWICE in the code!)
WIDTH This is the Witdh of the screen you want to make visible on
your website.
HEIGHT This is the Height of the screen you want to make visible on
your website.
If all above steps are configured correctly, you can see the image of the (Wireless)
Internet Camera on your website.
<APPLET name="cvcs" CODEBASE="http://CAMIPADDRESS:CAMPORT/" CODE="xplug.class" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240>
<param name="RemotePort" value=CAMPORT>
<param name="Timeout" value=5000>
<param name="RotateAngle" value=0>
<param name="PreviewFrameRate" value=20>
<param name="DeviceSerialNo" value="">