Trouble PossibleCause RemedialAction
1. Blade control lever engaged.
2. Parking brake notengaged.
3. Spark plug wire(s) disconnected.
4. Choke notactivated
5. Fuel tank empty, or stale fuel.
6. Blocked fuel line.
7. Faulty spark plug.
1. Disengage blade controllever
2. Engage parking brake.
3. Connect wire(s) to spark plug.
4. Pullout the CHOKE control
5. Filltank with clean, fresh gasoline.
6. Clean fuel line or replace fuel filter
7. Clean, adjust gap or replace spark plug.
Engine runs erratic 1. Unit running with CHOKE applied. 1. Push CHOKE controlin.
2. Spark plugwire loose. 2. Connect and tighten spark plug wire.
3. Blocked fuel line or stale fuel. 3. Clean fuel line;fill tank with fresh gasoline.
4. Vent in gas cap plugged. 4. Clear vent or replace cap ifdamaged.
5. Water or dirt in fuel system. 5. Drain fuel tank. Refill withfresh gasoline.
Engine overheats 1. Engine oil level low. 1. Fillcrankcase with correct oil.
2. Air flow restricted. 2. Clean grass clippings anddebris from
around the engine's coolingfins and
blower housing.
Engine hesitates at 1. Spark plug gap tooclose. 1. Remove spark plugend reset the gap
high RPM to.030".
Idles poorly 1. Spark plug fouled, faulty or gap too wide. 1. Replace spark plug. Set plug gap to.030".
Excessive vibration 1. Cutting blade loose or unbalanced, i 1. Tighten blade and spindle. Balance blade.
2. Damaged or bent cuttingblade. 2. Replace blade.
Mower will not mulch 1. Wet grass. 1. Wait untilgrass isdry tocut.
grass 2. Excessively high grass. 2. Mow once at a high cuttingheight, then
mow again at desired height or make a
narrower cuttingswath.
3. Dull blade. 3. Sharpen or replace blade.
Uneven cut 1. Deck not balanced properly. 1. Level the deck side to side.
2. Dull blade. 2. Sharpen or replace blade.
3. Uneven til'epressure. 3. Check tire pressure in all four tires.
NOTE: Suggestions listed hero are only for minor repairs, ff the problem is not resolved, or for any
problems not mentioned here, please contact Sears service by calling 1-800-4-MY-HOMEĀ®.