• Always support your workpiece near the cut.
• Support your workpiece so the cut will be on yo=;r
• Clamp your workpiece so itwill not move during the
Place your workpiece with its good side down.
Note: The good side is the side on which appearance
is important.
Before beginning a cut, draw a guideline along the
desired line ofcut. Then place front edge of base on
that part of your workpiece that is solidilysupported.
See Figure 12.
Never place your saw on that part of the
workplece that will fall off when the cut Is made.
See Figure 14.
Hold your saw firmly with both hands.
See Figure 15.
Fig. 14
RIGHT Fig. 15
Depress the lock-offbutton and squeeze the switch
trigger to start your saw. Always let the blade reach
full speed, then guide your saw into the workpiece.
_l, WARNING: The blade coming in contact with
the workpiece before it reaches full speed could
cause your saw to "kickback"towards you*.
re,suiting in serious injury.
When making a cut use steady, even pressure.
Forcing _auses rough.cuts, could shorten the life of
your saw and could cause "kickback."
Whel_ sewing through work, the lower blade guard
does not cover the blade, exposing It on the
underside of work. Keep your hands and fingers
away from'cutting area. Any part of your body
coming In contact with the moving blade will
result In;serious Injury.
After you complete your cut release the trigger and
allow the blade to come to a complete stop. Do not
remove your saw from workplece while the blade
is moving.
_k CAUTION: When liftingyour saw from the.
workpiece, the blade is exposed on the
underside of your saw until the lower blade guard
closes. Make sure lower blade guard is closed
before setting your saw down on work surface.
When making a cross cut or rip cut, align your line of
cut with the outer blade guide notch on the saw base
as shown in figure 16.