Crestron C2N-SPWS300 System Power Supply
Operations Guide – DOC. 8190 System Power Supply: C2N-SPWS300 • 21
“Port Settings” Window
NOTE: Different control systems may require different communication settings.
Refer to each control system’s Operations Guide for proper communication settings.
NOTE: The baud rate may need to be set to 38400 baud (Cresnet speed) for a
successful transfer.
NOTE: Communications can be verified by selecting Diagnostics | Establish
Communications (Find Rack). This should display a window that gives the COM
port and baud rate. If communication cannot be established, refer to the
“Troubleshooting Communications” section in the respective Operations Guide for
the control system.
Uploading a SIMPL Windows Program
A control system source file has
the extension .smw. A compiled
SIMPL Windows file has the
extension .spz for a 2-Series
control system, .bin for CNX
generation, and .csz for CNX
generation with SIMPL+.
The SIMPL Windows file can be uploaded to the control using SIMPL Windows or
via the Crestron Viewport.
Upload via SIMPL Windows
1. Start SIMPL Windows.
2. Select File | Open to view the “Open” window, navigate to the SIMPL
Window file (.smw), and click Open.
3. Select Project | Transfer Program.
Upload via Crestron Viewport
1. Verify that the procedure for “Communication Settings” that begins on
page 19 has been performed.