Mud Ring Mount Kit for Cameo
2 Crestron MMK-CBF-T
6 • Mud Ring Mount Kit for Cameo™2: MMK-CBF-T Installation Guide – DOC. 6637A
Industry Compliance
As of the date of manufacture, the MMK-CBF-T has been tested and
found to comply with specifications for CE marking.
Reference Documents
The latest version of all documents mentioned within the guide can be
obtained from the Crestron website (www.crestron.com/manuals
). This
link will provide a list of product manuals arranged in alphabetical order
by model number.
List of Related Reference Documents
C2N-CBD-TS/C2N-CBF-T Cameo 2 Keypads
Further Inquiries
If you cannot locate specific information or have questions after reviewing
this guide, please take advantage of Crestron's award winning customer
service team by calling the Crestron corporate headquarters at
1-888-CRESTRON [1-888-273-7876]. For assistance in your local time
zone, refer to the Crestron website (www.crestron.com/offices
) for a
listing of Crestron worldwide offices.
You can also log onto the online help section of the Crestron website
) to ask questions about Crestron products.
First-time users will need to establish a user account to fully benefit from
all available features.
Future Updates
As Crestron improves functions, adds new features and extends the
capabilities of the MMK-CBF-T, additional information may be made
available as manual updates. These updates are solely electronic and serve