Crestron PAC2 Professional Automation Computer
f. Reinitialize the unit by recycling the power or pressing the HW-R
button. If the connection is established, the Viewport console
should display some text and the PAC2> prompt.
g. If communication still cannot be established, contact Crestron
customer service.
NOTE: In Viewport, you can generate an error log via the ERRlog console
command. For more information on console commands, refer to the 2-Series Console
Commands Reference Guide, (latest version of Doc. 6002) available from the
Download | Product Manuals section of the Crestron website (www.crestron.com)
Compiling and Uploading a D3 Pro Program to the
Control System
After you have completed your D3 Pro lighting system program, you must first
compile the program and then upload it to the PAC2.
Click the Build System
button to generate the touchpanel projects and control
system logic program. Here D3 Pro will begin by generating any touchpanel projects
that have not already been compiled, and the Touchpanel Build Status pane will
display information about the project, as in Programming View. However, D3 Pro
will not automatically open the VisionTools Pro-e project.
After all the touchpanel projects are created, D3 Pro will generate the PAC2 logic
program. A progress bar will display information about the program as it is created
and compiled.
Click Continue to finish the compile operation and upload the system.
The program will be saved as an SMW file in the Program subfolder, and will
contain all the logic that enables communication between the control system,
interfaces, controlled devices and other hardware.
Operations Guide – Doc. 5941 Professional Automation Computer: PAC2 • 23