A. Daily Checks
1. Before starting engine:
a. Check the fuel level.**
b. Check the engine oil level.**
c. Check the hydraulic oil level.
d. Check the hydraulic hoses for leaks, abra-
sion, kinks, twists, or a flattened condition.
e. Check the tires and tire pressure.
Drive Tires: 8-10 psi.
Front Caster Wheels: 20-25 psi.
f. Check the spindle belt, the mower drive belt
and the hydro drive belt.
g. Check the blades. Make sure they are sharp
and that the blade securing cap screws are
h. Check the cutting height.
2. When ready to start the engine:
a. Check the five safety switches for proper
3. After mowing:
a. Clean the mower.
b. Clean the engine air screen.
c. Oil the wear points. Follow the Oiling Chart.
d. After the first five hours, Change the engine
oil and engine oil filter.
B. Every 25 Hour Checks
1. Service the engine foam element air pre-
2. Grease the three spindle bearings.
C. Weekly or Every 50 Hour Checks
1. Change the engine oil. (Every 25 hours under
heavy duty operation.)
2. Clean or replace the engine’s paper air cleaner
3. Check the battery’s electrolyte level.
4. Clean the engine cooling fins and external sur-
5. After the first 50 hours, change the hydraulic oil
and the hydraulic oil filter. Change them every
500 hours thereafter. Use Shell Rimula 15W40
or equivalent.
6. Oil wear points.
Follow the Oiling Chart.
7. Lubricate all grease fittings.
Follow the Lubri-
cation Chart.
D. Every 100 Hour Checks
1. Change the engine oil filter. (Every 50 hours
under heavy duty operation.)
2. Check the engine spark plugs.
3. BBC (PTO Clutch) air gap should not exceed
0.025”, if so, adjust as follows:
Ogura JD08, DX-11, GT-1A, GT-2, GT-2.5,
adjust to 0.012" - 0.015"
Ogura GT-3, GT3.5, adjust to 0.015" - 0.022"
E. Yearly Checks
1. Check the oil in the hydraulic reservoir.
Engine coolant: Use only Shell Dex-cool, extended life
anti-freeze diluted with water to create a 50:50 mixture.
Hydraulic fluid: Use Shell Rimula 15W40 oil.
Engine Oil: Use Shell Rimula 15W40 oil.
Spindle Lubricant: Use only Shell Alvania RL 2
grease. This grease is an amber-colored grease
designed for high speed bearing applications. It has a
base oil viscosity that reduces running losses, has been
formulated for low noise, has excellent corrosion protec
tion, and has excellent bearing lubrication.
General Purpose Lubrication: Use any NLGI grade 2
multi-purpose grease. Shell Albida EP2 is recom
mended. Shell Albida EP 2 is a red-colored multi-pur-
pose grease designed for heavy-duty bearing
applications. It has high base oil viscosity for mechani
cal stability, has been formulated for high load, low-
speed applications, and has excellent lubrication and
corrosion protection.
* Perform maintenance more frequently under dusty con-
**Reference Engine Owner’s Manual