One exception to this is that on clear, moonless nights it may be difficult to see the slit for
short exposure times. Binning 3x3 may allow you to see the slit more easily.
Note that the “Vertical N Binning” and “1xN, 2xN, 3xN” binning options are used for
spectroscopy, and should not be used in this application.
7. Saving an Image
One obvious advantage to the new acquisition system is that you can now save an image
from the CCD and use it later for alignment purposes, to measure the seeing, etc.
To save the current image open in CCDOps, simply press the “Save” button on the
toolbar. This will open up a Windows “Save As” box. Type a name in the File Name
box. The default data type should be FITS format, although you may change it if you
wish. Save the image in “C:\data” and click Save (you may create a subdirectory if you
wish). This directory is mounted on the linux workstation as /data/slit24 at the 2.4m and
as /data/slit13 at the 1.3m. You may then access these data from the linux workstation.
You may also print the image to the printer in the computer room.