Document 38-16016 Rev. *E Page 35 of 68
15.1 POR Compare State
15.2 ECO Trim Register
Table 15-2. Voltage Monitor Comparators Register (VLTCMP) [0x1E4] [R]
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Field Reserved LVD PPOR
Read/Write – – – – ––R R
Default 0 0 0 0 000 0
This read-only register allows reading the current state of the LVD and PPOR comparators.
Bit [7:2]: Reserved
Bit 1: LVD
This bit is set to indicate that the LVD comparator has tripped, indicating that the supply voltage has gone below the trip point
set by VM[2:0] (See Table 15-1).
0 = No low-voltage-detect event
1= A low-voltage-detect has tripped
Bit 0: PPOR
This bit is set to indicate that the PPOR comparator has tripped, indicating that the supply voltage is below the trip point set by
0 = No precision-power-on-reset event
1= A precision-power-on-reset event has occurred
Note This register exists in the second bank of IO space. This requires setting the XIO bit in the CPU flags register.
Table 15-3. ECO (ECO_TR) [0x1EB] [R/W]
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Field Sleep Duty Cycle [1:0] Reserved
Read/Write R/W R/W – – – – – –
Default 0 0 0 0 000 0
This register controls the ratios (in numbers of 32 kHz clock periods) of “on” time versus “off” time for LVD and POR detection
Bit [7:6]: Sleep Duty Cycle [1:0]
0 0 = 1/128 periods of the Internal 32 kHz low speed oscillator.
0 1 = 1/512 periods of the Internal 32 kHz low speed oscillator.
1 0 = 1/32 periods of the Internal 32 kHz low speed oscillator.
1 1 = 1/8 periods of the Internal 32 kHz low speed oscillator.
Note This register is only accessed in the second bank of IO space. This requires setting the XIO bit in the CPU flags register.
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