NOTE: The Bundle: list box displays bundle(s) from the selected repository based on the base
bundle(s). If you select a Linux bundle as the base bundle, then Linux bundle(s) are displayed. If
you select a Windows bundle as the base bundle, then Windows bundle(s) are displayed.
6. Under Options, you can select:
– Newer Versions — To view newer versions of the components in the bundle you selected.
– Changed Files — To view component files that have changed in the selected bundle.
– Other Files in Source — To view updates that are present in the comparison bundle but not in
the base bundle.
– Obsolete Files — To view updates that are present in the base bundle but not in the comparison
NOTE: You can select one or more of these options to compare.
7. Click Compare to view the comparison report for the selected bundle based on the specified
The first time you click Close, it closes the Comparison Report and returns to the Compare Bundles
window. You must click Cancel to close the Compare Bundles window.
Deleting Components From Bundles
You can customize the Dell recommended bundle(s) by removing components, adding DUPs, or
modifying the titles of bundle(s).
To customize bundle(s):
1. On the My Repositories tab, select the repository to which you want to add the component, and
click Open.
2. In the Bundles tab, select the bundle(s) you want to customize.
3. Click Component.
4. Select the component(s) you want to remove from the existing list, and then click Delete.
5. You can click:
– Delete from all Bundles
– Delete from selected Bundle(s)
– Delete from Repository
– Cancel
6. After you have made the selection, the Bundle Disclaimer window is displayed listing all of the
bundles that the deletion will change.
NOTE: Bundle disclaimer window appears only for Dell bundles.
7. Click OK to continue.
Please wait... window appears while deleting the selected components.
NOTE: You cannot cancel this process once you are selecting any of these 3 options.
8. Click Yes.
Changing The Component Sequence
You can view the Bundle Properties details of a bundle by double-clicking it or by clicking the
Properties in the Task menu. You have the Name: , Version: , OS type: , Operating System: , Platforms:
and Size: details of that particular bundle.