Table 1. Drivers Required to Build Your Windows PE Environment
Drivers Purpose
common\hapi Essential files for DTK tools to work.
common\raidcfg Essential files for raidcfg to work.
winpe3.x\WINPE3.0_driverinst.bat Used to install Dell-provided drivers, from \Dell\x32\Drivers or \Dell
\x64\Drivers, into the customized Windows PE 3.0 image.
winpe4.x\WINPE4.0_driverinst.bat Used to install Dell-provided drivers, from \Dell\x64\Drivers, into
the customized Windows PE 4.0 image.
winpe5.x\WINPE5.0_driverinst.bat Used to install Dell-provided drivers, from \Dell\x64\Drivers, into
the customized Windows PE 5.0 image.
Other Supporting Tools And System Files
While DTK provides all the necessary utilities and scripts for deploying Dell systems, there are more
applications, utilities, and system files to create the pre-operating system environment in which this
toolkit is used.
The following table lists the Windows system files and other tools to use DTK utilities and its sample
Table 2. Supporting Tools and System Files for Windows
Additional Tools Purpose Source
Windows AIK for Windows
Server 2008 R2
Create a bootable media for
Windows PE 3.0.
Windows ADK for Windows
Server 2012 and Windows
Server 2008
Create a bootable media for
Windows PE 4.0.
Windows ADK for Windows
Server 2012 R2
Create a bootable media for
Windows PE 5.0.
The following table is a matrix of Linux system files and other tools to use with DTK utilities and its sample
Table 3. Supporting Tools and System Files for Linux
Additional Tools Purpose Source Save in DTK location
mkfs.* Formats hard-drive
Any system running the
Linux operating system.
In the PATH variable.
fdisk To create Master Boot
Record (MBR) partitions
in BIOS mode.
Any system running the
Linux operating system.
In the PATH variable.
To create GUID Partition
Table (GPT) in UEFI
Any system running the
Linux operating system.
In the PATH variable.
unzip To unzip files in Linux. Any system running the
Linux operating system.
In the PATH variable.
upimg Contains system-specific
Dell utility partition files.
or the Dell Systems Build
and Update Utility on the
Dell Systems
/opt/dell /toolkit/