Error Code Message Information
Action Check system video and review event log for additional
Message POST fatal error detected.
LCD Message POST fatal error detected.
Details System BIOS detected a functional or configuration issue
during system POST.
Action Check system video and review event log for additional
Message Power supply <number> failed.
LCD Message PSU <number> failed. Check PSU.
Action Remove and reinstall the power supply. If the issue persists,
see Getting Help.
Message A predictive failure detected on power supply <number>.
LCD Message Predictive failure on PSU <number>. Check PSU.
Details System performance and power redundancy may be
degraded or lost.
Action Remove and reinstall the power supply at the next service
window. If the issue persists, see Getting Help.
Message The power input for power supply <number> is lost.
LCD Message Power input for PSU <number> is lost. Check PSU cables.
Details The power supply is installed correctly but an input source is
not connected or is not functional.
Action Verify the input source is attached to the power supply.
Verify the input power is within the operating requirements
for the power supply.
Message The power input for power supply <number> is outside of
the allowable range.
LCD Message Power input for PSU <number> is outside of range. Check
PSU cables.
Details The operating requirements for the power supply may be
found in this manual or on the power supply itself.