
Working With GIS
list to select a new symbol.
Note To add a new symbol set, click the Add button and then use the dialog
box to add a new symbol set. The symbol set must contain .dim or .bmp
symbols (.bmp symbols do not scale well).
9. To change the color of your "stock" symbol, click the Color button and select
a standard fill color or create a custom fill color.
10. To change the size of your "stock" symbol, select a size from the Size drop-
down list.
11. To change the properties of your label, ensure the Show Label check box is
selected and then:
a. Select a different font from the Font drop-down list.
b. To change the font style, click the Bold button
, Italic button , or
Underline button
. You can also click More Styles for additional font style
Tip Select the Outline option under More Styles to outline the text with white,
making the text easier to read on the map.
c. To change the font color, click the Font Color button
and select a
standard font color or create a custom font color.
d. To change the font size, select a size from the Size drop-down list.
e. To hide the label on the map, clear the Show Label check box.
Tip Once you modify the font properties of labels, the text may appear
cluttered on the map. If this is the case, ensure the Declutter Text check box
is selected to remove some of the text on the map.
12. Repeat the steps for each layer feature you want to symbolize.
13. Click OK.
You can also show/hide a feature on the map:
To show a feature that is currently disabled, select the feature and then select the
Show Feature check box under Point Feature.
To hide a feature, select the feature and then clear the Show Feature check box
under Point Feature. The feature displays as Disabled in the Symbolization dialog
box. To hide multiple features, press the CTRL key on your keyboard while you click
the features you want to hide and then clear the Show Feature check box. To hide
a block of features, press the SHIFT key on your keyboard while you click the first
and last records in the block.
Symbolizing a Polygon Layer
Use the Symbolize Layer dialog box to modify the layer's color, text, and outline
properties or select to show/hide certain features.
To Change the Color/Outline/Label Properties of a Polygon Layer
Use the following steps to change the color/outline/label properties of a feature in a
polygon layer.
1. Click the GIS tab.