DeLorme Topo North America Help
Searches for the specified name within a ZIP Code. Displays a ZIP Code text
field. A search for a ZIP+4 Code is treated the same as a five-digit ZIP Code.
• U.S. State
Searches for a name within a specific U.S. state. This option is available only
when Category or Name and/or Category is selected as the Find parameter.
Note If you are searching within a larger state, this type of search may take
longer than others because a lot of data is being searched to obtain a result.
• Current Map City
Searches for the specified name within the boundaries of all ZIP/Postal Codes
associated with the city at the current map center.
• Current Map Rectangle
Searches for the specified location within the currently visible map area.
• Distance from Map Center
Performs a search in all directions from the center of the map using the
specified distance. Also called a radius search. The minimum distance you can
use is 50 feet; the maximum distance is 100 miles.
• Current Route
Searches for objects within the specified distance from your currently active,
calculated route. The minimum distance you can use is 500 feet; the
maximum distance is 10 miles. Results are listed in the sequence they occur
along the route, from start point to finish point.
Note This search may take longer than other types of searches.
4. Type information in the text boxes to the right of the Find and Within fields. The
text boxes available are based on the selected Find and Within fields.
Tip A few text boxes are optional and you may get more results by leaving them
blank. To see if a text box is optional, hold your cursor over the text box label or
down arrow and read the ToolTip for that text box.
5. Click Search or press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
The Results list displays your search results with closest matching items at the top of
the list.
6. Scroll or browse through the list of search results until you find the one you want to
locate. To center an item on the map, select it and then click Go To or double-click
A yellow MapTag displays at the location if the MapTags check box is selected.
• Single click an item in the results list if you want to highlight it on the map without
adding a MapTag or centering it in the map view. For more information on viewing
results, see Tips on Viewing Search Results
• Use the right-click feature to copy search result information to the clipboard; center
a search result on the map (go to); select all search results; add a result as a
MapTag, MapNote, Detailed MapNote, Waypoint, or Address Book Entry; or assign it
a start, stop, or finish in a route. Just right-click a search result and click the option.
• The program keeps a history of your search words during a session. If you want to
delete your Advanced search history, click the QuickSearch subtab and select Clear
History from the Search For drop-down list. Then, click Yes to delete the search
history in both the QuickSearch and Advanced subtabs.