
Use the Sun/Moon Page to view the sunrise/sunset and
moonrise/moonset information and the moon phase
information for a specic time, date, and location.
To open the Sun/Moon Page, from any page go to
MENU > Sun/Moon. If you have added the Sun/Moon
Page to the PAGE button order, it is no longer available
on menus. Press the PAGE button until it appears.
The Sun/Moon Page shows information for the current
map center at the time and date indicated. For example,
if you are in Maine and you pan the map to California, you
see the position of the sun and moon in California for the
time and date displayed.
Sun/Moon graphic
The sun/moon graphic is in the center of the page. The
graphic on the left shows the current position of the sun/
moon in relation to a compass. The gray line represents
a shadow to illustrate the path of the sun overhead.
When the sun is directly overhead in the summer months,
the shadow is very short. As winter approaches and the
sun travels lower through the sky the shadow indicator
becomes longer. The graphic on the left shows where
the sun/moon is currently as it moves overhead from
east to west.
The Rise/Set elds display the time that both the sun (left)
and moon (right) will rise and set. The rise time is on the
top. If the sun or moon does not rise or set on a specic
date, dashes (- -) display in the applicable info elds.
The Sun/Moon Page
The Sun/Moon Page