What can happen How to prevent it
• Spilledgasolineandit’s
vapors can be come ignited
from cigarette sparks,
electrical arcing, exhaust
gas es and hot engine
components such as
the muffler.
• Shutoffengineandallow
it to cool before adding fuel
to the tank.
• Usecareinfillingtankto
avoid spill ing fuel. Move pres-
sure wash er away
from fueling area before
start ing en gine.
• Heatwillexpandfuelinthe
tank which could result in
spillage and pos si ble fire
• Keepmaximumfuellevel
1/2" (12.7 mm) be low
bottom of filler neck
to allow for expansion.
• Operatingthepressure
washer in an ex plo sive
en viron ment could
re sult in a fire.
• Operateandfuelequipment
in well-ven ti lat ed areas free
from ob struc tions. Equip
areas with fire extinguisher
suit able for gas o line fires.
• Materialsplacedagainstor
near the pressure washer
can in ter fere with its proper
ventilation fea tures caus ing
overheating and possible
ig ni tion of the materials.
• Neveroperatepressure
wash er in an area containing
dry brush or weeds.
• Mufflerexhaustheatcan
damage paint ed sur fac es,
melt any material sen si tive
to heat (such as siding,
plas tic, rub ber, vinyl or the
pressure hose, itself), and
dam age live plants.
• Alwayskeeppressurewasher
a min i mum of 4' (1.2 m) away
from sur fac es (such as
houses, au to mo biles or
live plants) that could be
damaged from muffler exhaust
• Improperly stored fuel could
lead to acciden tal ignition.
Fuel im prop er ly secured
could get into the hands of
children or oth er un qual i fied
• StorefuelinanOSHA-
ap proved con tain er, in a
se cure location away from
work area.
• Useofacids,toxicor
cor ro sive chemicals,
poisons, in sec ti cides, or any
kind of flam ma ble solvent
with this product could re sult
in se ri ous injury or death.
• Donotsprayflammable
What can happen How to prevent it
• Breathingexhaustfumes
will cause se ri ous injury
or death! En gine exhaust
con tains carbon mon ox ide,
an odorless and deadly gas.
• Operatepressurewasherin
a well-ventilated area. Avoid
en closed areas such as ga rag-
es, base ments, etc.
• Neveroperateunitina
lo ca tion occupied by
humans or animals.