CCuutt aalloonngg ddootttteedd lliinnee aanndd ffoolldd ffoorr aa qquuiicckk aanndd eeaassyy rreeffeerreennccee ttoo kkeeeepp iinn yyoouurr ppuurrssee oorr wwaalllleett..
TToo rreemmoottee ssttaarrtt uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
■ Press twice within three seconds. The parking lights will flash
once to confirm.
TToo rreemmoottee ssttoopp uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
■ Press once. The parking lights will flash once to confirm.
TToo uussee ttiimmeerr mmooddee
■ Press the button twice within 3 seconds. The parking lights will
flash four times to confirm timer mode operation.
TToo uussee PPiitt SSttoopp mmooddee
■ Parking brake on, transmission in Park
■ Ignition On (don’t hit brake pedal), activate remote start
■ Remove ignition key, exit and manually lock vehicle
■ To Exit pit stop mode, enter vehicle
■ Place the ignition key to the on (not start or crank) position
■ Depress brake pedal
TToo rreemmoottee ssttaarrtt uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
■ Press twice within three seconds. The parking lights will flash
once to confirm.
TToo rreemmoottee ssttoopp uussiinngg yyoouurr rreemmoottee
■ Press once. The parking lights will flash once to confirm.
TToo uussee ttiimmeerr mmooddee
■ Press the button twice within 3 seconds. The parking lights will
flash four times to confirm timer mode operation.
TToo uussee PPiitt SSttoopp mmooddee
■ Parking brake on, transmission in Park
■ Ignition On (don’t hit brake pedal), activate remote start
■ Remove ignition key, exit and manually lock vehicle
■ To Exit pit stop mode, enter vehicle
■ Place the ignition key to the on (not start or crank) position
■ Depress brake pedal