
DI-634M User’s Manual
D-Link Systems, Inc.
Preamble – Used to synchronize communication timing between devices on a network
QoS – Quality of Service
RADIUS – Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service allows for remote users to dial into a central server and
be authenticated in order to access resources on a network
Rendezvous – Apple’s version of UPnP, which allows for devices on a network to discover each other and be
connected without the need to configure any settings
Repeater – Retransmits the signal of an Access Point in order to extend it’s coverage
RIP – Routing Information Protocol is used to synchronize the routing table of all the routers on a network
RJ-11 – The most commonly used connection method for telephones
RJ-45 - The most commonly used connection method for Ethernet
RS-232C – The interface for serial communication between computers and other related devices
RSA – Algorithm used for encryption and authentication
Samba – A freeware program that allows for resources to be shared on a network. Mainly used in Unix based
Operating Systems
Server – A computer on a network that provides services and resources to other computers on the network
Session key – An encryption and decryption key that is generated for every communication session between
two computers
Session layer – The fifth layer of the OSI model which coordinates the connection and communication between
applications on both ends
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol – Used for sending and receiving email
Simple Network Management Protocol – Governs the management and monitoring of network devices
SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
SOHO – Small Office/Home Office
SPI – Stateful Packet Inspection
SSH – Secure Shell is a command line interface that allows for secure connections to remote computers
SSID – Service Set Identifier is a name for a wireless network
Stateful inspection – A feature of a firewall that monitors outgoing and incoming traffic to make sure that only
valid responses to outgoing requests for incoming packets are allowed to pass though the firewall
Subnet mask – Determines what portion of an IP address designates the Network and which part designates
the Host
TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol