Help System
The help system is a reference tool to assist in understand-
ing key terms of the ultrasonic welding process.
The iQ Explorer help function can be accessed using the top
menu bar, or by pressing the F1 key as explained below.
Top Menu Bar
Help is one of the top menu bar items as shown in Figure
Clicking on Help and then clicking on iQ Explorer Help
will open the Help window.
A Contents tab and an Index tab are two entry points to
the help le information.
Contents groups the help le information into these seven
1 - Hardware
2 - Process Control
3 - Process Limits
4 - Graph
5 - Utilities
6 - System
7 - Options
The Index is an alphabetical list of words and phrases.
Figure 4-4 illustrates that the term, Trigger was found
through both Contents and the Index.
Using the F1 Key
The F1 key can be pressed to activate Help when:
1) the cursor is positioned in an item that can be edited, such
as a text box, drop down list, or check box and,
2) that item is linked to Help.
Using the Index in Help
Using Contents in Help
Figure 4-3 Help from Top Menu Bar
Figure 4-4 Contents and Index in Help
If no keyboard is available - perhaps you
are using a touchscreen. Use the iQ HMI
Windows keyboard, or press Help in the
top menu bar, and navigate to the desired
Figure 4-2 iQ Explorer, Numeric Pad
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Dukane Manual Part No. 403-575-00
Section 4 - Operation