Mail Settings
Displays and congures e-mail addressing settings.
Click the [Apply] button to save the settings.
• You can conrm whether the mail settings work correctly using the
[Send Test Mail] button. Please enable Send mail setting before clicking [Send
Test Mail].
• If you connect the projector to an existing network, consult a network
administrator before setting server addresses.
Item Description
Send mail
Click the [Enable] check box to use the e-mail function.
Congure the conditions for sending e-mail under Alert
SMTP Server IP Address
Congures the address of the mail server in IP format.
• The address allows not only IP address but also domain
name if the valid DNS server is setup in the Network
Settings. The maximum length of host or domain name is up
to 255 characters.
Sender E-mail address
Congures the sender e-mail address.
The length of the sender e-mail address can be up to 255
alphanumeric characters.
Recipient E-mail address
Congures the e-mail address of up to ve recipients. You
can also specify [TO] or [CC] for each address. The length of
the recipient e-mail address can be up to 255 alphanumeric
Conguring and Controlling the Projector via a Web Browser