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iQ Series, Ultrasonic Power Supply AL User’s Manual
Dukane Manual Part No. 403-583-00
System Overview
Your iQ Series Ultrasonic Power Supply AL, an ultra-
sonic generator, provides a versatile stand-alone worksta-
This product’s rugged internal circuitry ensures a continu-
ous resonant frequency lock at the start of each weld.
Standard to this line of generators are time and energy
control. The brightly lit display is easy to read. The menu
structure makes programming simple, and the one-touch
hot keys give the operator even more exibility.
The generator also includes an RFI line lter that passes
strict CE test specications for global applications.
Key Features
Trigger by Power is a Dukane patented feature that
produces greater weld consistency by requiring that
a sufcient amount of pressure/force is applied to the
part before the actual weld begins. Trigger by Power is
a cost effective alternative to trigger by force because
it does not require additional, expensive components
such as a load cell, amplier board or cabling.
Compact Generator is small and easily moved, and
this allows your table or work bench to accommodate
more of the items needed for your process.
Pulse Width Modulation incorporates patented
circuitry giving the power supply the ability to
efciently change the output amplitude. This makes
it possible to start large horns with reduced power. It
also provides more power efcient switch-mode gen-
erator operation and increased reliability.
Linear Ramp Soft Start circuitry allows the acous-
tic stack to ramp up to operating amplitude smoothly,
minimizing the start-up surges and abnormal stress to
the stack and generator.
Digi-Trac Tuning tracks the resonant frequency of
the acoustic stack (horn, booster, transducer) and ad-
justs the generator output frequency to match it. This
is done for every weld cycle and eliminates the need
to manually tune the generator.
Line Voltage Regulation automatically maintains
constant amplitude regardless of line voltage devia-
tion. The available output power is maintained with
any voltage input within the specied range. This pro-
vides consistent system performance regardless
of line voltage uctuations. It also eliminates the
need for bulky, external constant–voltage trans-
Load Regulation provides constant amplitude
automatically regardless of power draw. The ul-
trasonic output amplitude level is held to within
±1% to provide weld process consistency and re-
duced weld cycle times.
Industrial Line–Power Source means that
standard systems will operate worldwide at all
industrial high line voltage levels, whether it is
200VAC @60Hz in Japan, 240VAC @50Hz in
Europe or 208VAC @60Hz in the United States.
There are no internal transformer taps to change
for worldwide operation. North American sys-
tems are optionally available to operate on the
120VAC line voltage level.
Multiple Electronic Overload protec-
tion circuits prevent instantaneous com-
ponent failure in the event of extreme out-
put overload conditions, and rated overload
power limit is based on the actual true RMS
power output level.
CE Certication means that the system meets
the required European standards to be sold and
used in Europe.
ISO 9001 Certication means that this system
has been manufactured to high quality standards
and assures you of manufacturing excellence.