From audio source
From audio source
From audio source
2 to 8 ohms range
NOTE: Use both
Red Terminals ONLY
in Mono Mode
2 to 8 ohms range
4 to 8 ohms range
The PA-600 can be used in Stereo Mode as
two separate power amplifiers, each capable
of driving loads down to 2 ohms. Each
channel operates independently and has its
own input connectors, sensitivity level
controls, signal indicator LEDS, limiter
circuitry, fault protection circuitry, power
amp, and speaker outputs.
In Stereo Mode, the STEREO/MONO
SWITCHE must be in the "STEREO"
position. Either the binding posts or the
Phone jacks may be used to connect the
amplifier to the speakers. Both inputs must be
active (plugged) in stereo mode; either XLR
input, RCA input, or the Phone Jack input
can be used.
The two internal power amplifiers may be
bridged together to form a single, higher-
powered amp. In the Bridged Mono Mode,
the amplifier uses channel #1 INPUT jacks
and LEVEL CONTROL; channel #2 inputs
are disconnected. Channel #2 power amp
receives its signal from channel #1 input
This signal is connected to channel 2 prior to
its Limiter, so each channel is independently
must be in the MONO position. Because both
channels are being used (bridged in series),
the minimum load impedance is 4 ohms.
The RED binding post terminals (ch
1="+", ch 2=" + ") or the middle Phone jack
(ch #1) must be used to connect the amplifier
to the speakers.
Specifications & features are subject to change without notice. www.earthquakesound.com