Mass :
unit without cutting attachment, empty tank kg 5.6
unit with specified cutting attachment, empty tank kg 6.0
unit with specified cutting attachment, full tank kg 6.3
Volume : fuel tank L 0.4
Cutting attachment :
specified blade diameter mm 230
specified blade thickness mm 2.0
number of cutting teeth 3
blade centre hole diameter mm 25.4
blade rotational speed at maximum allowable
engine speed r/min 10,000
Gear ratio : gear ratio and lubrication 1.36 reduction and good quality lithium grease
Rotational direction of output shaft seen from above : Anticlockwise
External dimensions :
length × width × height mm 1,760 × 690 × 455
Engine :
type Air cooled two stroke single cylinder
engine displacement mL(cm³) 21.2
maximum shaft brake power, measured in
accordance with ISO 8893 kW 0.57
engine speed at maximum engine power r/min 7,500
recommended maximum engine speed r/min 10,000
output shaft speed r/min -
recommended engine idling speed r/min 3,000
engine speed at beginning of clutch engagement r/min 3,700
carburettor Diaphragm type
ignition Flywheel magneto - CDI system
spark plug NGK BPMR7A
starter Recoil starter
clutch Automatic centrifugal clutch
Fuel : Regular grade petrol. Minimum 89 Octane
unleaded petrol is recommended. Do not use fuel
containing methyl alcohol or more than 10 % of
ethyl alcohol.
oil Two stroke, air-cooled engine oil. 50 : 1 for ISO-L-
EGD Standard (ISO/CD 13738), JASO FC grade and
ECHO Premium 50 : 1 oil.
ratio 50 : 1 (2 %)
fuel consumption at maximum engine power L/h 0.56
specific fuel consumption at maximum engine
power g/(kW·h) 737
Sound pressure level : (EN 27917) LpAav = dB(A) 92
Sound power level : (2000/14/EC) LWA = dB(A) 108
Vibration levels : (ISO 7916)
idling m/s² 4.0
racing m/s² 7.1
Specifications, descriptions and illustrative material in
this literature are as accurate as known at the time of
publication, but are subject to change without notice.
Illustrations may include optional equipment and
accessories, and may not include all standard