Power up the unit by smoothly withdrawing the red “pull” tab at the top left hand
corner of the unit. If the batteries are supplied separately install the three AA
batteries by sliding the upper cover off as shown in figure 5a page 15. The green,
red & amber lights will immediately flash in sequence to show they are working
- this is normal.
Install the Carbon Monoxide Alarm (CO Alarm) in every room that contains a
fuel burning appliance, particularly rooms where people spend a lot of time e.g.
bedrooms, kitchens and sitting rooms.
In rooms with an appliance, install (preferably) on the ceiling, (300mm from
walls) and between 1m to 3m horizontally from appliance. In rooms remote from
the appliance install at breath level, where the light indicators can be seen.
Regularly check that the green power light flashes every 45 seconds. If the unit
beeps for at least 1 hour when the green light flashes it has reached it’s end of life
and must be replaced. (If the ‘Replace by date’ on the side of the unit has not been
exceeded replace the batteries if accessible).
Test the unit weekly by pressing the test/hush button-the horn will sound.
Replace unit after 5 years operation (see ‘Replace by’ date on side wall label).