
use electrolux 11
• end of programme
• incorrect option selection
• alarm code
Interrupting a programme
Depress the “start pause” button to
interrupt a programme which is running,
the corresponding light starts to flash.
Depress the button again to restart the
Cancelling a programme
Turn the selector dial to “O” to cancel
a programme which is running. Now
you can select a new programme.
At the end of the programme
If the laundry is not removed at the end
of the cycle, the dryer performs an
phase (duration: 30
minutes maximum).
If you do not remove the laundry, the
dryer will stop automatically at the
end of the anti-creasing phase.
Lights and remain lit and the
buzzer sounds for 2 minutes.
Turn the programme selector dial to
to switch the machine off. Remove the
laundry from the drum and carefully
check that the drum is empty.
If you do not intend to carry out another
wash, close the water tap. Leave the
door open to prevent the formation of
mildew and unpleasant smells.
Turn the programme selector dial to “
all the lights go out. The appliance is
switched off.
Remove the laundry.
IIff yyoouu ooppeenn aanndd tthheenn cclloossee tthhee ddoooorr
bbeeffoorree ttuurrnniinngg tthhe
e sseelleeccttoorr ddiiaall ttoo OO
aallll tthhee lliigghhttss ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg ttoo tthhee
pphhaasseess mmaakkiinngg uupp tthhee ppeerrffoorrmmeedd
pprrooggrraammmmee ccoommee oonn..
AAfftteerr eeaacchh uussee
Clean the filters.
Empty the water reservoir.
If the drying programme has to be
stopped before it reaches the end, we
recommend that you turn the pro-
gramme selector dial to position Cooling
and wait until the end of this cooling
phase before removing the laundry. This
will avoid a build-up of heat inside the
appliance.To do this first turn the dial to
” and then to Cooling and
depress Start button.
MMooddiiffyyiinngg tthhee pprrooggrraammmmee
To change a programme which is run-
ning, first cancel it by turning the pro-
gramme selector dial to “
”. Select the
new programme and press the Start
button .
The programme can no longer be
changed directly once the programme
has started. If nevertheless there is an
attempt to change the programme on
the programme knob, the programme
progress display and the maintenance
indicators flash. If an option button
(excluding the BUZZER button) is
pressed, Err appears in the multidis-
play. The drying programme is not
however affected by this (laundry pro-
125985630 gb.qxp 2006-07-20 08:29 Page 11