electrolux 13
To make burners work properly, ensure that pan
supports are placed in a way that the arms are
centred upon the burner as shown in the picture.
Pay attention when replacing thePay attention when replacing the
Pay attention when replacing thePay attention when replacing the
Pay attention when replacing the
pan supports in order to avoidpan supports in order to avoid
pan supports in order to avoidpan supports in order to avoid
pan supports in order to avoid
damaging the hob top.damaging the hob top.
damaging the hob top.damaging the hob top.
damaging the hob top.
The BurnersThe Burners
The BurnersThe Burners
The Burners
The burner caps and crowns can be removed
for cleaning.
Wash the burners caps and crowns using hot
soapy water, and remove marks with a mild
paste cleaner. A well moistened soap
impregnated steel wool pad can be used with
caution, if the marks are particularly difficult to
After cleaning, be sure to wipe dry with a soft
The Ignition electrodeThe Ignition electrode
The Ignition electrodeThe Ignition electrode
The Ignition electrode
The electric ignition is obtained through a
ceramic electrode which contains a metal
electrode (Fig. 1 - C). Keep these components
very clean, to avoid difficult lighting, and check
that the burner crown holes (Fig. 1 - B) are not