Table 5.1 - Setting mix and pause times
What is your need? What you should do How the displays will look
I do not need mix or pause
Set both times at zero Mix and pause lights are off.
The displays show no numbers.
I want both mix and air
Set the two times according to the procedure de-
scribed in chapter 5.1.1.
Note that each of the two times cannot exceed
9 seconds.
Mix and pause lights are on.
The digit on the left is mix time.
The digit on the right is pause time.
I need only a mix time, no
Set mix time at the desired value. If this value is
below 10 seconds, you must set pause time at
zero. If mix time is 10 seconds or above, the
pause time is automatically set at zero.
Mix light is on.
Pause light is off.
The two displays show mix time (8 seconds and 12
seconds in the example).
I need only a pause time,
no mix
Set mix time at zero. Set pause time at the de-
sired value.
Mix light is off.
Pause light is on.
The two displays show pause time.
Use of the control board
Table 5.2 - Advanced programming parameters
Parameter description Meaning of the number in the display AIR
(press + or - to change the value)
H 01 Garment positioning time. This parameter allows to vary the distance
of the rim of the garment from the bottom of the form. The higher
this time, the greater the distance. The machine is pre-set with 0,1
seconds positioning time
Positioning time in 1/10 of second
H 02 Vertical tension time. The machine is pre-set with 0,2 second tension-
ing time. Longer tensioning time means more vertical tension to the
shirt. The machine is pre-set with 2/10 of second tensioning time
Tensioning time in 1/10 of second
H 03 Side clamps (10 - Figure 4.3) opening time. If the "TIMER SIDE
CLAMPS" function is activated, the value of this parameter indicates
when the clamps will open. The pre-set value is 5 seconds.
Opening time in seconds (from the beginning of blow-
H 04 Sleeve arms additional tension. This parameter allows to add extra-
tension to the sleeves during the cycle. The pre-set value is 00. This
pressure can be adjusted by means of knob (20 - Figure 4.3)
00 means no additional tension
01 means additional tension after 3 seconds of steam
02 means additional tension after 10 seconds of air
H 05 Side clamps exclusion. The side clamps (10 - Figure 4.3) can be
00 means side clamps excluded
01 means side clamps activated
H 06 This parameter allows to program several actions:
• position of the carriage at the end of the cycle: the carriage can
either return to its lowest position or stay in the same position (this
is useful when pressing several identical shirts)
• additional tensioning to the shirt: at the beginning of the cycle, the
carriage moves down to tension the shirt. This parameter allows to
add two additional downward movements during the cycle
• fast mode: for high productivity. When this mode is selected, the
machine automatically closes the clamps without stepping on the
start pedal. The operator must keep the machine pace.
00=carriage down - no additional tension
01=carriage down - additional tension, light
02=carriage down - additional tension, stronger
03=carriage still - no additional tension
04=carriage still - additional tension, light
05=carriage still - additional tension, stronger
06=fast mode - no additional tension
07=fast mode - additional tension, light
08=fast mode - additional tension, stronger
H 07 Automatic positioning of sleeve arms height (only model with short
sleeve device)
00 means automatic positioning OFF
01 means automatic positioning ON