Experience unprecedented
ergonomics in professional
flatwork ironing
Electrolux creates the fi rst “Plug and Play” ironer on the market
and fi nally makes fl atwork ironing accessible to everyone.
Direct Ironer Advanced Moisture
Management System (DIAMMS™)
Electrolux brings the fi rst true moisture
management system to the market.
With this unique feature, you can enjoy
the automatic control of your ironer’s
speed. Your ironer is never too slow or
too fast - guaranteeing you the optimum
productivity. What’s more, your linen is
always dried to perfection.
With the unique “Dubixium™”
cylinder, you will never again experience
loss of production due to the sides of
your ironer overheating. By means of a
patented thermal oil fl ow inside the
cylinder, heat is always evenly distributed
through the length of your ironer.
With the Electrolux “Dubixium™”,
you will experience the comfort of
steam, without steam guaranteeing
your business maximum profi tability.
5electrolux ironers