2. Mark off 250mm from the left
hand side of the appliance as
shown in dimension 'A', Fig 3a.
This is the centre line of the fixing
3. Draw a line a 100mm from the
front edge of the feet (see Fig.3a)
and remove appliance from its
position. Mark off dimension 'B'
(see Fig.3a) back from this line
on the centre line of the bracket
to locate the front edge of the
lower bracket. Fix lower bracket
(with two fixing holes) to the floor
then measure the height from
floor level to engagement edge
on back of appliance, dimension
'C' of Fig. 3b.
4. Assemble upper bracket to lower
bracket so that the underside of
bracket is dimension 'C' + 3mm
above floor level. (See Fig. 3b)
Reposition appliance and check
that top bracket engages into
appliance back as shown in Fig.
The battery
1. The battery is located on the left
hand side of the front plinth.
2. To gain assess to the battery,
open the main oven door and lift
up the battery holder lid.
3. Fit the new battery ensuring (+)
terminal is next to the (+) sign on
the battery. See Fig. 4.
4. Close the lid of the battery
Pressure testing
1. The oven injector is used as a
pressure test point.
Remove the oven furniture.
Remove oven burner box
retaining clips (one spring clip
from each side) and remove box
front cover.