Error code 09, KLIXON
This error code is generated by the CPU board. The error code means that
the temperature in the motor has been so high that the klixon breaker in
the motor has been triggered. It can be caused by overloading the motor
due to an overloaded drum, low rpm for long periods, defective klixon
breaker in motor, short in cable between motor and CPU board, etc.
Error code 09, DRUM OVERFILLED
(only in coin operated machines)
This error code is generated by the CPU board. The error code is caused
by the mechanical level control in the machine, by safety reason a doubled
level system. The error code arises if the drum has been filled with water
above a level that normaly should have generated error code 07.
It can be caused by a blocked level hose, drops of water in the level tube,
defective filler valve, defective electronic filler control, etc.
Action: see error code 07.
Error code 10, DRUM NOT DRAINED
This error code is generated by the programming CPU card. The error
code arises if the water in the drum is not below a predetermined level
when a drain period has been completed in the wash program. It can be
caused by a blocked drain, blocked level hose, a water drop in the level
hose, defective level control, restricted drain lines to the machine, too
many machines emptying simultaneously into drain pipes that are too nar-
row, etc.
• Firstcheckthedraininstallationandthatthewastewatercanowfre-
ely out from the machine without any restrictions.
• Checkthedrainvalveinthemachinewithregardtodirt.
• Blowthroughthelevelhoseandcheckthatitisnotblockedanddoes
not contain any water.
• Checkintheserviceprogramthatthelevelcontrolisworkingcorrectly.