Error code 32, MOTOR TOO HOT
This error code is generated by the motor control. Each time the motor is
started from stationary, the motor control will first measure the resistance
between two phases in the motor. The motor control processor governs
the output transistors so that a DC current flows between two phases in
the motor winding. The actuation of the transistors is a measure of the
voltage applied to the winding and the resistance can be calculated using
the current and voltage values. The resistance can then be converted to
a temperature since the winding resistance at 20°C and the temperature
coefficient are known. If the average value of the four latest temperature
readings is higher than the maximum motor temperature (e.g. 150°C), the
”Motor too hot” error code will be activated.
The cause of high motor temperature can be a stiff drum, possibly in
combination with intensive use and high ambient temperature. There may
also be an error in the motor (sticking bearings or short circuit in windings,
which impairs the efficiency of the motor). There could also be a contact
error in the connectors between the motor control and the motor or an er-
ror in the motor cable. An error in motor control temperature measurement
circuits can also occur.
• Makesurethedrumturnseasily.
• Checkthevalueontheerrorcodecounterforerrorcode32.
• Checkthelast8motorcontrolerrorcodes.
• Measurethethreephasestothephaseresistorsonthemotorcontrol
motor connector (disconnect motor control and take the reading in the
cable connector) to make sure they are the same.
• Starta90°Cnormalprogramwithloadoncontinuousoperationand
measure the temperature of the motor and motor control.
• Replacethedefectivepart.