Error code 20, I/O MCU INTERLOCK
This error code is generated by the CPU board. The program controller
has read from the motor control or I/O board that the interlock is not ac-
tive. The reason for interlock failure can be a problem with the hatch lock,
damaged motor supply cables or the I/O board with interlock voltage etc.
The most probable error source is the I/O board.
The display will also show which I/O board is missing interlock or if it is the
motor control that has no interlock.
Error code 21, I/O COMMUNICATION
This error code is generated by the CPU board. The program unit cannot
communicate any longer with one or more I/O boards in the machine that
it has communicated with before. The cause can be a problem with the
machine’s internal communication cables or that one or more I/O boards
have lost their address.
•(Requires password) Check the machine’s internal communication
cables. Readdress all the I/O boards in the system using the service
program if the cables are not at error.
If only one I/O-card in mascine, press the service button on the I/O-
card about 10 seconds or untill the LED goes out. Now I/O.card 1 will be
addressed as No. 1.
Error code 22, OIL
This error code is generated by the CPU board. The error code indicates
low oil level in the oil reservoir for the oil lubrication. It can be caused by a
lack of oil, defective sensor, shorted cable, etc.
• Fillwithoilrst.Ifthisdoesnothelp,checksensorandcables.