Semiannual Maintenance Inspection Checklist
Date:________________________________________ Prepared by:_________________________________
Model #:_____________________________________ Serial #:_____________________________________
___ 1. Restricted air flow
___ 2. Check filter switch
___ 3. Wipe section clean
Blower Section
___ 1. Impellers free of debris and move freely
___ 2. Check belt tension and condition
___ 3. Bearings in good condition
___ 4. Inspect & tighten electrical connections
___ 1. Check oil leaks
___ 2. Check for leaks
___ 3. Inspect & tighten electrical connections
Air Cooled Condenser (if applicable)
___ 1. Condenser coil clean
___ 2. Motor mounts tight
___ 3. Bearings in good condition
___ 4. Refrigerant lines properly supported
___ 5. Inspect & tighten electrical connections
Water/Glycol Condenser (if applicable)
___ 1. Copper tube clean
___ 2. Water regulating valves function
___ 3. Glycol solution
___ 4. Check for water/glycol leaks
Glycol Pump
___ 1. Glycol leaks
___ 2. Pump operation
___ 3. Inspect & tighten electrical connections
Steam Generating Humidifier
___ 1. Check canister for deposits
___ 2. Check condition of steam hoses
___ 3. Check water make-up valve for leaks
___ 4. Inspect & tighten electrical connections
Infrared Humidifier
___ 1. Check pan drain for clogs
___ 2. Check humidifier lamps
___ 3. Check pan for mineral deposits
___ 4. Inspect & tighten electrical connections
Refrigeration Cycle/Section
___ 1. Check refrigerant lines
___ 2. Check for moisture (sight glass)
___ 3. Check suction pressure
___ 4. Check head pressure
___ 5. Check discharge pressure
___ 6. Check hot gas bypass valve
___ 7. Check thermostatic exp. valve
Air Distribution Section
___ 1. Restriction in grille free area
Refrigerant Charge
___ 1. Check refrigerant level
Electrical Panel
___ 1. Check fuses
___ 2. Inspect & tighten electrical connections
___ 3. Check operation sequence
___ 4. Check contactor operation
___ 1. Check reheat element operation
___ 2. Inspect elements for cleanliness
___ 3. Inspect & tighten electrical connections
Make photocopies of this form for your records