Reference Manual
00809-0200-4801, Rev BA
April 2007
Rosemount 3051S
For most applications the above parameters are all that are needed to
configure the PIL for detection.
In order to use the Advanced Set of parameters below, fully understand the
underlying technology of the PIL. These parameters will fine tune the PIL to fit
process conditions.
Plugged Impulse Line
Advanced Settings
PLINE_Relearn allows the user to activate the learning phase of the PIL
Detection Algorithm. To activate, “Relearn” must be selected. This can be
used to reinstate the algorithm after a plugged line has been detected. The
proper measures must be taken to clear the plug, and the process should be
running normally before relearning the process. Relearning the process may
also be necessary after changing parameters in the Advanced Set of
PLINE_Auto Relearn
PLINE_Auto Relearn determines whether or not the algorithm automatically
changes to learning mode when the thresholds are exceeded. When the
default “Enabled” is selected the algorithm will automatically relearn when the
mean value changes by more than the Relearn Threshold value. If “Disabled”
is selected, relearn must be started manually, see “PLINE_Relearn” on
page 3-23.
PLINE_Relearn Threshold
PLINE_Relearn Threshold is a percent value of URL of the transmitter range.
If the mean has changed by this value and Auto Relearn is “Enabled”, then
the algorithm will automatically go into the learning state. If the Auto Relearn
is “Disabled” this value is ignored. The default is 190 of the URL.
PLINE_Learning Cycle
PLINE_Learning Cycle determines the length of time the learning cycle uses
to calculate the mean and standard deviation for the baseline. The default
value is five minutes. If the process has a slow change in the mean over time,
a longer learning cycle may provide a better baseline.