3. Mount the motor base using the recommended grade 5 bolts
(Leave the bolts loose enough to allow the motor base to be
moved to align the sheaves)
4. Set the motor base carriage to the center of the motor base
by adjusting the tension rod until dimension A and B are
5. Align the motor base to position the sheaves in the proper
location. A straight edge should be used to align the sheave
to be parallel and in the same plane. When this is achieved
the straight edge will be ush to the sides of both sheaves as
6. Tighten the motor base mounting bolts using the
recommended grade 5 bolts and torques listed in table 1.
7. Rotate the tension rod counterclockwise enough to allow the
belt to slip over the two sheaves by hand. (Prying the belts
over the sheaves with any device can damage the belts or
8. Manually pull the motor base back by hand in the direction
shown and rotate the tension rod clockwise until hand tight.
9. Use a wrench to tighten the tension rod turning clockwise
until the belt feels tight.
10. Check the belt tension using Browning Belt Tension Checker.