2.5.6 General System Charge Requirements
Liebert split system units are designed with quick-connect fittings and are factory-charged to proper
levels. Due to the wide range of operating ambients and sensitivity of the system components to
charge level, the system charge must be maintained at recommended levels.
If there is any doubt that the system has the correct refrigerant charge level, the correct
procedure is to remove the entire system charge, evacuate the system and weigh in the
recommended factory charge total for both units and any line sets or field piping.
Tables 7, 8, 11 and 12 are included for field piping allowances, condensing unit charges, line sets and
evaporator charges.
Total refrigerant charge = evaporator + lines + condensing unit
All condensing units and most evaporator units are fully charged with refrigerant. Some
evaporator units are shipped from the factory with a nitrogen holding charge only. (Refer to
evaporator serial tags.) If field-supplied refrigerant piping is installed, refrigerant must be
added to the system. Refer to Figure 12 for field-supplied piping guidelines.
Table 12 Evaporator Charge Levels
Indoor Unit
Charge R-407C
oz (kg)
MMD11/12E 3 (0.085)
MMD17/18E 4 (0.113)
MMD23/24E 7 (0.198)
MMD35/36E 7 (0.198)
MMD59/60E 4 (0.113)
MMD95/96E 7 (0.198) each circuit
Liebert DataMate
DME020E 4 (0.113)
DME027E 5 (0.141)
DME037E 6.5 (0.184)
Liebert Challenger
BF/BU036E 9 (0.255)
BF/BU060E* 13 (0.368)
* Evaporator is charged with nitrogen at the factory