The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 62
linkdown-tmo Controller
30 0 255 Yes This variable controls how
long the driver will hold I/O (0
- 255 seconds) after the link
becomes inaccessible. When
this timer expires, all I/O
waiting to be serviced is
aborted. For instance, FCP
commands will be returned
back to the target driver with a
failure. The lower the value,
the quicker the driver will fail
commands back to the upper
levels. There is a tradeoff
here: small values risk
retrying the commands when
the link is bouncing; large
values risk delaying the
failover in a fault tolerant
environment. linkdown-tmo
works in conjunction with
nodev-tmo. I/O will fail when
either of the two timers
log-only Controller
1 0 1 Yes When set to 1, log messages
are only logged to syslog.
When set to 0, log messages
are also printed on the
log-verbose Controller
0x0 0x0 0xffff Yes (bit mask) When set to non-
zero this variable causes lpfc
to generate additional
messages concerning the
state of the driver and the I/O
operations it carries out.
These messages may go to
the system log file,
/var/adm/messages and/or
the system console. See Error
Messages for detailed
information on the
bit mask.
none 1 128 No The maximum number of
outstanding commands to
permit for any logical unit on a
specific target. This value
overrides lun-queue-depth.
Table 3: LPFC.conf Parameters (Continued)
Property Name Scope Default Min Max Dynamic Comments