Logging into the Printer Server
You can login to the printer server remotely from a DEC workstation using
the VAX NCP utility or locally from a console terminal.
Remote Login
1) Login to the DEC workstation.
2) Run the VAX NCP utility:
$ run sys$system:NCP
3) To view the available circuit IDs, enter:
show known circuit
4) Connect to the printer server RCF port:
NCP> connect via CIRC_ID physical address
CIRC_ID The Ethernet circuit ID.
MAC_address The printer server’s Ethernet (MAC) address in the
form 00-00-c9-xx-xx-xx.
5) When the following message appears, press ENTER to continue:
Console connected (Ctrl-D when finished)
6) Enter the password:
# access
where access is the default printer server remote login password.
NOTE: The password does not appear when typed.
7) Verify banner.
When the connection is made, the printer server login banner is
8) At Enter Username or Help>, enter any alpha-numeric characters.