1-4 Chapter 1
How to Use This Guide
This guide is designed to assist in the installation of your Emulex printer
server. The material contained in the guide is directed toward the network
administrator or the one responsible for a company’s computer network
User Guide Conventions
You will notice text boxes labeled NOTE or CAUTION.
• Notes provide additional information.
• Caution statements provide warnings to prevent harm to people or
CAUTION:: Observe electrostatic discharge (ESD)
procedures during installation.
What is a Command?
A prompt, followed by a keyword and one or more variables, options or
quotation marks make up a command. The following explanation will
demonstrate command formatting.
A prompt consists of the word Server followed by one or two greater than
symbols (>). One (>) indicates nonprivileged status and two (>>) signify
privileged or supervisor status. The two prompts are shown below:
Server > (nonprivileged users)
Server >> (privileged users)
Nonprivledged users have read only privileges. Privileged or supervisor users
have all read and write privileges.
Keywords are enclosed in brackets and separated by vertical lines. The
user must enter a keyword to perform an action.
Server >>[set|define|change]