Command Reference Guide 33
Define Required Fileserver
The user must perform two operations to set up a Novell file server as the
required file server for the Emulex printer server.
1) Define whether the printer server will attach to the required file
server or preferred file server:
Server>> define server netware required [enabled
enabled If enabled, the printer server will attach only to
the required file server.
disabled If disabled, the printer server attaches to the
preferred file server.
The Emulex printer server will only attempt to directly attach to the
Novell file server and no other, even if that file server is currently
2) Enter this command to further designate the preferred file server.
Server>> define node node_name nfserver
node_name Enter the name for the node that will be the
Novell Preferred File Server.
nfserver Specifies the file server as the Novell Preferred
File Server. Only one Novell nfserver node may
be defined.
The Emulex printer server will perform a get nearest query. The file
server that responds will be queried to see if it is the defined
preferred file server. If it is not, the file server’s bindery is scanned
to find the defined preferred file server. If this information is found
in the bindery, a direct attachment is made and the existing file
server attachment is dropped.
If no Novell file server is defined as the Emulex nfserver, the printer
server does a get nearest query, and will attach to the file server
which responds and use its bindery.