In order use the run completion program effectively at least one previous
run must be entered into a data base with a 1000’ ET. To use run
completion all you need to do is enter the 1000’ et of the run you want to
complete and then when it asks you to enter your final ET= simply press
the ENTER key without any value. You will then see a Run
Completing! message appear followed by ET=10.203 (example) your
completed ET. This run will then be saved automatically and the main
menu will be brought back, unless you are in TS mode, in which case,
you will then be prompted to enter your TS.
1/8 Mile Tracks
Keep 1/8 mile and ¼ mile runs in separate data bases. You may want to
name the data base appropriately.
If you run 1/8 mile and want to be able to use run completion you must
enter in a 330’ time when the unit prompts you to enter the 1000’ time.
In regards to entering your ET for a 1/8 mile track simply enter in the 1/8
mile time.
Depending on the mode the unit is in (ET MODE or TS MODE) by
selecting “4” you can input any altitude and the corresponding ET or TS
prediction will be displayed. You need to have two or three runs
respectively in the data base before you will see the prediction.
Wind Correction:
If wind correction has been enabled you will be asked to enter the wind
speed and direction for each run entered.
Enter Wind Speed
Enter Wind Dir
Head=1 Tail=2
CH=3 Ct=4 Cross=5