Chapter 5
Accessing Internal Components
To access your computer’s internal components, you need to
remove the cover. In some cases, you may also need to remove
the front panel and the subassembly (the metal case that holds
the drive bays). The instructions in this chapter explain how to
do these tasks:
Remove and replace the cover
Remove and replace the front panel
Remove and replace the subassembly
Perform post-installation setup procedures.
Read the following safety precautions before you begin.
Special Precautions
As you perform the procedures described in this chapter and in
Chapters 6 and 7, observe the following precautions to avoid
damaging your equipment or injuring yourself:
While this manual provides detailed instructions for
installing a variety of optional equipment, do not attempt a
procedure if you have any reservations about performing it;
ask your dealer for assistance.
Always turn off the computer, disconnect all cables to the
computer and any peripheral devices, and wait at least
30 seconds before you remove the cover. First disconnect
the power cord from the electrical outlet and from the
computer’s back panel. Then disconnect all peripheral
devices, including the monitor and keyboard.
Accessing Internal Components