Printing with Windows 73
The Print Preview window is not color accurate.
The Epson Print Preview toolbar contains several buttons you can use to
perform the following functions.
You can also modify the previewed print job in the following ways:
❏ Select and preview individual pages.
❏ Reduce or enlarge the size of preview.
❏ Select and print any or all pages.
Zoom Click this button to reduce or enlarge the size of
the previewed image.
Fit to Screen Click this button to scale the previewed image so
that it fits the current window size. This is
convenient when you want to see the entire
image at one time.
Click this button to display the previewed image
at the maximum possible zoom ratio.
Printable Area
Click this button to display a rectangle indicating
the printable area on the previewed image. The
printer cannot print anything outside of this
rectangle. Click this button again to turn the
printable area indicator off.
Color Controls Click this button to open the Color Controls
Previous Page Click this button to display the previous page. If
there is no previous page, this button is not
Next Page Click this button to display the next page. If there
is no next page, this button is not available.