
EPSON Sales Training 5/01
EPSON and EPSON Stylus are registered trademarks and Print Image Matching is a
trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation. PhotoPC is a registered trademark of Epson
America, Inc. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Technical Brief—Digital cameras Page 2
Image Quality—HyPict™ Image Enhancement Technology
Many digital cameras use an interpolation method to produce images with higher resolution than the camera's
CCD can capture. EPSON HyPict image enhancement technology uses an exclusive interpolation method.
The EPSON HyPict image enhancement technology uses
an in-camera processing system to interpolate an image
using full image data.
After the image is interpolated, the camera then converts
it to JPEG file format.
Other image enhancement technologies convert to JPEG
file format before enhancement. Since JPEG conversion
removes image data, these technologies do not use full
image data for the interpolation, resulting in less accurate
EPSON HyPict image enhancement technology produces more
accurate results because it applies image enhancement before
JPEG compression.
1. Captures image
2. Enhances and interpolates image
3. Applies JPEG compression
EPSON HyPict image enhancement technology
performs all of these steps in the camera:
Image quality—Resolution modes
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Open Preferences
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The following chart explains the differences between the image quality settings:
EPSON digital cameras allows you to select different image quality settings. (Not all of these settings are available
for each model.)
Low compression
High compression High compression
Pictures include great
detail because less
image detail is
removed through
Pictures include ample
detail and are suitable
for most applications,
including 4 x 6-inch
Pictures include less
detail and fewer
number of pixels.
Suitable for on-screen
Pictures include the
most detail and are
ideal for
HyPict™Key Differences
Compression level
Image file size
Super Fine
Fine Standard
Fall Colors!
Large file size
Moderate file size Smallest file size
Largest file size
Up to 8 x 10 inches
Up to 11 x 14 inches
Up to 12 x 17 inches
Enlargement sizes:
One megapixel
CCD camera
Two megapixel
CCD camera
Three megapixel
CCD camera
Up to 5 x 7 inches
Up to 8 x 10 inches
Up to 11 x 14 inches
4 x 6 inches
5 x 7 inches
8 x 10 inches
Additionally, some EPSON digital cameras include a TIFF Uncompressed image quality setting, which does not
remove any image data through compression.