DMA channel
Direct Memory Access channel. The pathway through which
data is transferred between main storage and I/O devices. This
transfer method requires no processor intervention.
Disk Operating System. A commonly used operating system
that controls the computer’s input and output functions. See
also Operating system.
A type of diskette format that allows you to store twice as
much data as the standard-density format. A 5¼-inch
double-density diskette can store 360KB of data. A 3½-inch
double-density diskette can store 720KB of data.
The letter name of a disk drive, followed by a colon-for
: .
Enhanced Graphics Adapter. A type of display adapter card
that allows you to display high-resolution graphics on a
compatible monitor. It can display up to 43 lines of text with 80
characters on each line, or it can display monochrome or
16-color graphics at resolutions up to 640 x 350.
Extended Industry Standard Architecture. A bus standard for
IBM compatible computers that extends the ISA bus
architecture to 32 bits and allows more than one computer to
share the bus easily.
6 Glossary