Using Memory Beyond 640KB
Your Equity 386 is equipped with at least 1MB of random access
memory. 640KB is for use by the operating system, your application
programs, and your data. The memory between 640KB and 1MB is
reserved for use by the computer and is not available to application
programs or the operating system.
If you have more than 1MB, you may be able to use the memory
above 1MB for certain application programs (such as Lotus 1-2-3®)
that support the Lotus®/Intel®/Microsoft Expanded Memory
Specification 4.0 (LIM 4.0). To make the memory above 1MB
available to such programs, you must do the following:
Copy the file EEMM386.EXE f
rom your Reference diskette to the
root directory of the hard disk from which you boot MS-DOS.
(You may put EEMM386.EXE in a directory other than the root
directory if you add the path parameter to the DEVICE= line;
the path parameter is explained below.)
Modify the file CONFIG.SYS, which is stored in the root
directory of the hard disk from which you boot MS-DOS.
If you have a word processing program that can save a file as a text-
only file (also called an ASCII text file), you can use that program to
modify the CONFIG.SYS file. Start your word processing program,
load the file \CONFIG.SYS, and then add the following line to the
Save the file as an ASCII text file, and then reboot your computer.
If you do not have a word processing program capable of saving an
ASCII text file, you can modify CONFIG.SYS in the following way:
Log onto the root directory of the hard disk from which you boot
2. Type
+ CON :
SYS and press
Using MS-DOS with Your Equity 386