you have problems using Epson TWAIN, check this section.
It describes potential problems and provides possible solutions.
When you select an Acquire device, Epson Scanners is not listed.
Either Epson TWAIN was not installed or was not installed
correctly. Reinstall Epson TWAIN using the Setup program
from within Windows.
Nothing happens when you select Acquire.
Make sure your scanner is turned on and the cables are
connected properly.
Epson Scanners may not be selected as the “Acquire” device.
From within your application, select Epson Scanners as the
TWAIN device. You’ll usually find this option under
your application.
You may not have rebooted your computer after you installed
Epson TWAIN. Reboot your computer and try again.
The Epson Scanner DOS Device Driver, the Epson TWAIN
Data Source (ESTWAIN.DS) file, or the SCSI support software
may not be installed correctly. Reinstall Epson TWAIN using
the Setup program within Windows.
You may have selected the wrong port number or SCSI ID
during setup. Check your interface adapter and scanner
settings. Reinstall Epson TWAIN using the Setup program
from within Windows, making sure the settings you select
match the settings on the adapter and scanner.
You may have changed the interface from parallel to SCSI or
from SCSI to parallel without reinstalling Epson TWAIN.
Reinstall Epson TWAIN for the correct interface using the
Epson TWAIN Setup utility that
came with
your interface
4-2 Troubleshooting