
Chapter 1
Congratulations! You have just
purchased the first of a new gen-
eration of personal computers.
The Epson HX-20 is unlike any
product ever built, combining
the power and usefulness of a
desktop computer with the port-
ability of a pocket calculator.
It’s a go-anywhere, do-
anything system designed from
the start to be user-friendly-
which means you don’t have to
know anything about comput-
ers to use it. Powered by its own
internal batteries, with no dan-
gling cords or external parapher-
nalia, the HX-20 is a compact
and uncluttered system, at home
in the classroom or the confer-
ence room, on your desk or in
your lap.
Unlike most other personal
computers, the HX-20 can store
up to seventeen programs in its
memory. (Five of these may be
BASIC programs.) When you
turn on the HX-20, a menu ap-
pears on the screen, listing the
names of these programs. You
can make the HX-20 run any
program on the menu simply by
pressing a single key.
Furthermore, the HX-20 has
a memory like an elephant. Un-
like most personal computers,
which forget any program in
memory as soon as they are
“powered down,” the HX-20
remembers all programs in its